MG Car Club Danish Centres biblioteket indeholder mere end 150 bøger og DVDer, hvoraf de allerfleste omhandler MG på mange forskellige måder. Det er muligt at låne dem på månedsbasis på klubmøderne i Nærum. Ved lån betales et depositum på DKK 100 i kontanter, som refunderes ved returnering.
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Bøger generelt om MG
MG Saloon Cars. Anders Ditlev Clausager
MG File. Martin Buckley
Illustrated MG Buyer’s Guide. Richard Knudson
The Classic MG. Richard Aspden
Great Marques MG. Chris Harvey
MG Sports Cars. Malcolm Green
MG Sports Cars. Autocar
Making MG’s. John Price Williams
Mr. MG. A Biography of John Thornley. Peter Thornley
MG From A to Z. Jonathan Wood
The MG Collection. The Pre-War Models. Richard Monk
Rallying in a Works MG. Len Shaw
MG by McComb. McComb
The Untold Story. David Knowles
MG Road Cars. Volume Two Six Cylinder OHC. Malcolm Green
Essential MG. Graham Robson
The Works MG’s. Mike Allison & Peter Browning
Advertising MG Volume two 56-92. Daniel Young
The MG Collection. The Post War Models. Richard Monk
Great MG Photo Book 45-64
Great MG Photo Book 65-80
The MG Log. Peter Haining
Tuning and Maintenance of MG’s. Philip H. Smith
MG’s on Patrol. Andera Green
MG Competition Cars and Drivers. Richard L. Knudson
MG’s Abingdon Factory. Brian Moylan
MG Road Cars. Volume One. Four Cylinder OHC. Malcolm Green
Aspects of Abingdon. Ken Smith
The Magic of the Marque. Mike Allison
Historien om MG 1925-1975. Udgivet af DOMI 1975. A4 kopi
MG Cars 1948-1951. Brookland Books
How to be a Engine Expert on MG’s. Neil Cairns. A4 hæfte
MG fra Morris Garage til Nanjing. Motorhistoriskt Magasin nr. 2 2010
Deam Machines MG. Ian Pethersby
MG Trials Cars. Roger F Thomas
Not in that Car. A View of the World from an MG Midget. Roy Locock
MG. War Time Activities. Edited by Colin Grant
MG Past and Present. Rivers Fletcher
The Works MG’s. 2. udgave. Mike Allison & Peter Browning
Me and my MG. Gordon Thorburn
Bøger om MG T-typer
Original MG T Series. Anders Ditlev Clausager
MG T Series. The Complete Story. Graham Robson
T Series Restoration Guide. Malcolm Green
TC’s Forever. Michael Sherrell
MG TD & TF 49-55 Gold Portfolio. R.M. Clarke
MG TA & TC 39-49 Gold Portfolio. R.M. Clarke
The T-Series MGs. A Collectors Guide. Graham Robson
MG T Series in Detail. Paddy Willmer
MG Midget TA-TF Owners Workshop Manual. Autobooks
Essential MG T Series and Pre War Midgets. Anders Ditlev Clausager
Barrie’s Notes. Maintaining a 1955 MG TF in the 21st Century
History of the MPJG, XPAG and the XPEG Engines. A4 mappe
T-Register: Electrics. Barrie Jones
Practical MG TD. Jonathan Goddard
MG TC’s. Drive Them ’til the Roads Wear Out. Deidre Pyle
T-Register: History of the MPJG, XPAG, XPEG Engines. Roger Wilson
MG Midget TC. Service Parts List. BMC
MG Midget TD. Service Parts List. BMC
MG Midget TF. Service Parts List. BMC
MG Midget TF. Service Parts List. II BMC
The Essential Buyer’s Guide MG TD, TF & TF 1500. Barrie Jones
Factory-Original MT T-series. Anders Ditlev Clausager
T Series Restoration Guide. Malcolm Green
Bøger om MGB/MGC/V8
MGB. The Illustrated History. Jonathan Wood & Lionel Burrell
Special Tuning 1800cc MGB
MGB Restoration. Practical Classics
Original MGB. With MGC and MGB V8. Anders Ditlev Clausager
The Complete Official MGB 1975-1980 Compricing the off. Drivers Handbook and Workshop Manual
MGB. David Knowles
MGB Restoration Manual. Linsay Porter. Haynes
Colour MGB GT Restoration. Practical Classics
MGB Owners Workshop Manual. Haynes
MGB, MGC, MGB GT V8. David Knowles. Tysk udgave
MGB, A 1600 + MKII Autoreparaturanleitung. Tysk udgave
MGB Super Profile. Lindsay Porter
MGB/GT. The Essential Buyer’s Guide. Roger Williams
Your Expert Guide to MGB/GT Problems and how to Fix Them. Roger Williams
How to Powertune MGB 4-cylinder Engines. Peter Burgess
How to improve MGB, MGC and MGB V8. Roger Williams
Improve & Modify MGB, MGC & V8. Lindsay Porter & Dave Pollard
Don Hayter’s MGB Story. Don Hayter
Barrie’s Notes. Maintaining an MGB in the 21st Century. Barry Jones
MGB Owners Workshop Manual 1969-81. Autobooks
MG V8 Twenty-One Years On…David Knowles
Everyday Modifications for your MGB, GT and GTV8
Special Tuning for your MGB. Leyland
MGB & MGB GT Workshop Manual with Engine Emission Control Supplement Leyland
Bøger om MGA
Original MGA. Anders Ditlev Clausager
MGA 1500, 1600, Twin Cam. Wilson McComb
MGA. The Complete Story. David G. Styles
MGA Owners Workshop Manual. Haynes
MGA & Twin Cam. Gold Portfolio 1955-1962. R.M. Clarke
The MGA. First of a New Line. John Price Williams
Call it MGA. 50th Anniversary
MGA Roadsters 1955-1962. Brookland Books
MG. The A, B & C. Chris Harvey
MGA, MGB and MGC. Graham Robson
MG Twin Cam. The First 50 Years.
MGA Twin Cam Workshop Manual. Kopi i ringbind
Bøger om Austin Healey Sprite og MG Midget
Mg Midget & Austin Healey Sprite Service Guide and Owners Manual. Lindsay Porter & Peter Wallace
MG Midget Car Repair Manual. Autodata
Reparationshåndbog for Midget/Sprite. BMC Service. Dansk
Midget/Sprite Restoration. Practical Classics
Sprite & Midget. Jonathan Edwards
MG Midget Gold Portfolio 1961-1979. Brookland Books
MG Midget Restoration Manual. Lindsay Porter. Haynes
MG Midget & Austin Sprite. Owners Workshop Manual. Haynes
How to Power Tune Midget and Sprite. Daniel Stapleton
MG Midget & AH Sprite Purchase and Restoration Guide. Lindsay Porter
MG Midget & AH Sprite I-IV Owners Workshop Manual. Haynes
Sprite and Midgets
MG/A-H. Midget/Sprite. Your Expert Guide
The Essential Buyer’s Guide Midget & Sprite. Terry Thomas
MG Midget, Austin Healey Sprite Super Profile. Lindsay Porter
The Essential Buyer’s Guide. MG & Austin Healey. Midget & Sprite 1958-1979
Bøger om MG Magnette
MG Magnette. Owners Workshop Manual. All Models 1489cc & 1622cc. 1959-1969. J. H. Haynes
MG Magnette. Paul Batho
Bøger om MGF og TF
MGF. David Knowles
MGF and TF Restoration Manual. Roger Parker
MGF and TF Ultimate Buyers’ Guide. Philip Raby
MGF and TF Performance Portfolio 1995-2005
MGF. Owner’s handbook
MGF Electrical Manual 1996-2000 MY
MGF Workshop Manual
MG TF Workshop Manual
Bøger om teknik i almindelighed
Auto startbogen. Erik Quist og Raoul Rey
Autobogen. Erik Quist og Raoul Rey
SU Carburettors Tuning, Tips and Techniques. G.R. Wade
How to Diagnose and Repair Automotive Electrical Systems. Tracy Martin
Nuts, Bolts, Fasteners and Plumbing Handbook. Carroll Smith
How to Paint Classic Cars. Martin ThaddeusHow to diagnose and repair
How to restore Classic Car Bodywork. Martin Thaddeus
The Rover V8 Engine. David Hardcastle
SU reparationshåndbog. Karburatorer og elektriske benzinpumper
Teknisk ordbog. Engelsk-Dansk. Haynes
Morris-Austin 1100-1100 Mk2. Ove C. Frederiksen
Auto & Technik Museum Sinsheim og Speyer
MINI ’69-’88 Owners Workshop Manual. Haynes
MINI værkstedshåndbog. BMC
1300 – 1100 MKII Marina. Instruktionsbog. BMC
Austin Montego (MG & Vanden Plas) Owners Workshop Manual. Haynes
Elektriska och Elektroniska system. Haynes
Classic Engines, Modern Fuel. The Problems, the Solutions. Paul Ireland
Diverse klubrelaterede bøger
The First Seventy Years. MG Car Club UK
MG Car Club Holland 1955-2005
MG Car Club Danish Centre. 50 års jubilæum
MG European Event of the Year 2014. MGCC DC’s 60 års jubilæum
Diverse motorlitteratur
Fra Mou til Le Mans. Om Tom Kristensen
Nellemann i 100 år. Jubilæumsskrift.
The Classic Car Book. Andrew Noakes. Haynes
Biltosser. Søren Østergaard, Gorm Vølver
Classic Motorsport Routes. Richard Meaden
Great Book of Automobiles. Michael Bowler
De ti gyldne år. DASU
Biler med sjæl 5. bind. Jens Jessen
500 sportsvogne
Roskilde Ring. Stig Holm-Madsen
I veteranbil til Iran. Rikke Schultz
Video og DVD
MG – The Legend. DVD
MG´s Across America. Part one. History and Racing. Video
MG´s Across America. Part Two. Shows, Passion and Glorious Cars. Video
Battle of the B´s. Video
The MG Experience. Video
Classic Vintage Sport-Cars. The Shuttelworth and Nuffiels Trophies Race Meeting. Video
20th Century Motor Racing. DVD
The Story of the MG 1921-1945. DVD
An MG is Born. Om restaurering af en MGB. Mark Evans. DVD
The MG Film Library 1. Heritage Motoring Films. Video
The MG Film Library 2. Heritage Motoring Films. Video
Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix 2004. DVD
Guide to MGB Maintainance. Video
Best og British. The Full and Official Story of MG. Duke. Video
T-Register. Stripping and Rebuilding the XPAG Engine. DVD
T-Register. Stripping and Rebuilding the MG TD & TF Series Gearbox. DVD
Inside the Octagon 1. MG 1921-1945. DVD
MG Live. 10-12th July 2009. DVD
MG TF 135/MG TF 85th anniversary. CD til PC
Dream Cars. DVD
MG Just for the record. DVD
Senna. DVD
Goodwood Revival Meeting 2001. DVD
Der Grosse Rasmussen. DVD